Monday 5 January 2009

Feeding My Information comes from this website.


A kitten’s nutritional requirements are more demanding than those of an adult cat. A high quality meat protein food will provide the proteins and other nutrients that are essential during this important growth stage.

Feed your kitten half her recommended daily portion in the morning and half in the evening. Remember that the amount may vary according to age, temperament and activity level of your kitten.


When feeding your kitten, you should keep these factors in mind:
Respect your kitten’s privacy. Don’t disturb her while she’s eating.
Food and water bowls should be placed in a quiet, out-of-the-way place
Be sure your kitten has fresh water at all times, especially during warmer weather. Frequent drinking will help your kitten keep her system healthy and may help to reduce the risk of Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease.
Place your kitten’s water dish at least six feet away from her food. That way she won’t learn to associate water only with eating.
Use a bowl that your kitten cannot tip over easily. Clean her food dishes at each meal and water dishes daily.
As a general rule, follow the feeding instructions that come with your pet food.
Be flexible. Feeding instructions are only guidelines. Cats generally regulate their eating habits according to their needs. The amount of food your kitten needs will vary with age, weight, breed, temperament, environment and activity level.
If you use a dry food you can leave a recommended daily quantity in your kitten’s dish and let her choose her own meal times. Cats seldom over-eat unless they are routinely tempted with large amounts of food.
Although some owners choose to supplement commercial cat foods with milk, this should never be necessary if the commercial food is nutritionally balanced and complete. Moreover, most cats cannot properly digest the lactose in milk and may develop flatulence or diarrhoea.

1 comment:

Yecap said...

Are these pictures of your own cats? They are very cute. If you go to my blog you will see some cat photos I have taken. Hope you like them.