Tuesday 6 January 2009


http://www.bsh.eclipse.co.uk/catcare.htm BASIC FIRST AID

Despite your best efforts to keep your kitten from harm, accidents will happen, and it’s best to be prepared when they do. It’s important to remain calm, act swiftly and get your kitten to your veterinarian as quickly as possible.


A cat who has been hit by a car or has fallen from a great height should be taken to a veterinarian as quickly as possible. Pick her up as gently as possible, avoiding any excess movement of her body. If the cat is lying calmly on her side scoop her up with one hand under the chest and the other under the hips. Be careful not to twist the body. Put the cat on a clean towel or newspaper in a cat carrier or cardboard box. Put a soft blanket or towel over the cat to keep her warm and protect her from shock.

In the case of minor external bleeding, cover the wound with gauze or a clean handkerchief and apply direct pressure with your fingers.

POISONING (see our page on poisons)

Unless you have seen your cat consume the poison, poisoning may be very difficult to diagnose. In almost every case, you are better off trying to get your cat to a veterinarian as quickly as possible. If you can identify the poison, you should try to bring a sample of it (or it’s container) with you to the surgery.

Some poisons cause shock. For this reason, you should try to keep the cat warm by wrapping it in a towel or blanket while you seek veterinary help. A cat in pain is apt to be violent and wrapping her in a towel will also help to restrain her.


A drowned cat may sometimes be revived by mouth-to-nose resuscitation. To perform, close the cat’s mouth and gently but repeatedly blow puffs of air into both nostrils by covering them with pursed lips. Allow air to escape by removing your mouth between puffs. You should notice the cat’s chest rising slightly as you blow.


The most important part of first aid for burns is to prevent shock and to get the cat to a veterinarian promptly. Heat burns may be treated by promptly dousing the injured area with cold water and applying a cold compress. Electrical burns - common with young cats who like to chew through electrical wires - can result in shock and cardiac arrest. In extreme cases, artificial respiration and cardiac massage may be necessary. Contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

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